Sunday, September 7, 2008

ACL Festival

This is the first year I have opted to not purchase a 3-day pass to the Austin City Limits Festival happening later this month in Zilker Park.  I decided that it wouldn't be worth it for several reasons:  First, i'll be out of town on Saturday night and some of Sunday morning.  I couldn't justify spending that much money for a day and a half full of music.  Second, the price!  Every year the price consistently goes up and up.  If there were more bands I was excited about, I wouldn't hesitate to pay for a pass.  Foo Fighters?  Not so much.  There are some bands that I will be sad to miss like Vampire Weekend, M. Ward, Conor Oberst, Silversun Pickups, MGMT and others. I'm more excited about the prospect of SXSW, my favorite time of the year in Austin.  I love to soak up all it has to offer, heading to day parties and official shows to catch up and coming and established artists here in my hometown.  Austin transforms into a whole other place during that week in March.  
My problem is the feeling of "missing out."  What if something really, really exciting happens and i'm not there to see it?  I have this issue a lot.  
So maybe......I will brave the heat to at least go on Sunday.  That way I won't have that feeling of missing out.  The best of both worlds!

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